MSS provides fire & safety inspections and maintenance to businesses in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs.
We can perform a variety of safety and fire services to keep your business compliant. Combining services in a single site visit lowers your invoicing costs, and makes our company price competitive.
Melbourne Safety Services: Fire safety in greater Melbourne.
We sell, supply and install fire equipment and fire extinguishers for customers, provide test & tagging of electrical appliances, inspect and test exit signs & emergency lighting, as well as test, inspect and maintain the operation of smoke alarms and smoke detectors.
We are a current member of the FPA Australia (Fire Protection Association Australia). All of our test equipment is calibrated every 12 months to ensure our test records are accurate in the event the results are challenged.
We carry Public Liability Insurance and take excellent care of each and every client we work with. If you’d like to speak to us about your property or get a quote, give us a call and we’ll be glad to assist:
1300 556 651