Fire Service Scams

Fire Service Scams  Recently I had the misfortune to meet with a Fire Services Company that were using phone scam tactics to obtain service work. This disreputable Fire Services business  had 4 full time staff manning phones contacting staff at small and medium sized...

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RCD’s What are they? Why I need them.

What is an RCD? Why are RCD's important to my family and workplace? Australia has a complex electrical system,even though it is considered reliable accidents still occur. A faulty or poorly maintained appliance, a person or child who innocently pushes something into a...

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TEST & TAG… WHY?…Is it Worth it??

Test & Tag: Why... and is it worth it?   A fair question, one that many clients ask me. The 2 main reasons for electrical safety testing are: 1/ Because having a trained second pair of eyes inspecting your equipment for visible damage as well as electrically...

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